Waste Management Facility
Shire of Wongan-Ballidu's Waste Management Facility is located on Hospital Road (Wongan Hills-Koorda Road).

Wongan Hills residential ratepayers are issued with four waste facility passes which are included with their annual rates notice. For any other users, fees apply. Please see our current Fees and Charges for all waste fees.
Opening Times |
Monday - Wednesday |
Closed |
Thursday - Sunday |
8.30am-4.30pm |
drumMUSTER Fridays |
9.00am-4.00pm |
Christmas, New Years Day and Good Friday |
Closed |
There are two cardboard recycling cages and yellow recycling bins for excess household recyclables at the waste drop off area on Wongan Road, opposite Ah Wongs Roadhouse. This waste drop-off area is FREE to use.
drumMUSTER Fridays
drumMUSTER provides Australian agricultural and veterinary chemical users with a recycling pathway for eligible empty agvet chemical containers.
As at 01/07/2022 Wongan Hills refuse site users have collected 12598 drums since inception.
Inspection of containers at collection points is necessary to ensure that containers can be safely recycled.
- There must be no chemical residue on the inside or the outside of the container, including the thread and cap. If there is any chemical residue visible when delivering your containers these drums will be rejected.
- After rinsing your chemical container it should be left to dry with the cap off which will aid in the drying process.
- The threads of the container opening must be free of residue and although the cap should not be replaced on the container, it may be brought separately to the collection if clean.
- Your container should have the labels on to provide inspectors with identification of the container being handled.
- A signed statement by the farmer or chemical user at the point of the collection provides drumMUSTER with evidence that the container has been rinsed.
- If your container is rejected, the inspector will request that your container is taken home, properly cleaned and returned for recycling in your next delivery.

The drumMUSTER containers are collected and transported by an approved team of processors and delivered to materials recovery centres where they are recycled into items such as wheelie bins, fence posts and garden stakes.
Disposing of empty agvet chemical containers in the right way is crucial to the reputation and sustainability of the agricultural industry in Australia. By using the drumMUSTER recycling program you can turn your unwanted containers into useful, sustainable products rather than having them placed into landfill or building up on your farm.
drumMUSTER provides a full cradle to grave waste cycle for agvet chemical containers, enabling the re-use of the recycled plastic and steel.
Illegal Dumping
Illegal dumping is the unauthorised discharge or abandonment of waste and is an offence under s.49A of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. On conviction, the offence carries a maximum penalty of $125,000 for corporations and $62,500 for individuals. Our contract Ranger polices this and can issue infringements. The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu provides multiple options for waste disposal and encourages all residents to refrain from illegal dumping in our Shire.
If you see any illegal dumping taking place in our Shire, please report it to our offices on 9671 2500 or via email to shire@wongan.wa.gov.au
Skip Bin Hire
The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu does not currently offer skip bin hire. Avon Skip Bins service our region and can provide 6m3, 8m3, 10m3 or 12m3 skips for short or long term hire. Please visit their website for more information and their contact details.
Avon Skip Bins