
The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu manages the administration for both the Wongan Hills Cemetery and Ballidu Cemetery and the Application for a Grant of Right of Burial.
Grant of Right of Burial
The Right of Burial is granted when a reservation is made or when an interment (burial or ashes) occurs. The Right of Burial entitles the holder to arrange interments and monuments or plaques. Only the holder of the Right of Burial has the authority to arrange any of these. Once an application for a Grant of Right of Burial is made and approved, a certificate of Grant of Right of Burial will be provided.
The Cemeteries Act 1986 changed the way Grants of Rights of Burial are administered. Prior to the Act, all cemetery boards set their own Grant tenures. The 1986 Act sets a state-wide tenure for Grants at 25 years. A Grant must be current if additional interments in the form of burials or ashes placements are to take place at the plot. If monumental work on the plot is to be modified, the Grant also needs to be current. Some families prefer to purchase additional tenure for peace of mind even if they aren’t anticipating additional interments or the modification of monumental work.
The holder of the Right of Burial is the person who made the original reservation/application or the person identified as the holder on the Application for Order of Burial.
If the former holder of the Right of Burial is deceased, they may have bequeathed the Right of Burial to another person/s. Where the Right of Burial has not been bequeathed to a specified person/s, it automatically passes to the next of kin of the deceased.
Grant of Right of Burial Application Form
A reservation means that the Right of Burial has been paid for and a plot selected. This fee is non refundable.
To see the cemetery maps and available plots, please contact the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu on 9671 2500 or visit the Administration Office.

Wongan Hills Cemetery
17 Ninghan Road, Wongan Hills WA 6603
Prior to an interment, an application for order of burial must be made to the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu. The funeral director commonly makes the application on behalf of the holder of the Grant of Right of Burial. If a Grant of Right of Burial has not previously been purchased and a reservation made, this can be done at this stage. A certificate of Grant of Right of Burial will be provided.
Instruction for Graves and Application for Order of Burial
A death certificate must be provided to the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu, along with the appropriate application forms before any interment can take place.
Monumental Works
One year from the date of interment or after, an installation or erection of monumental works can be carried out. The holder of the Grant of Right of Burial has the authority to arrange a plaque or headstone. The holder can arrange monumental works with the monumental mason who will make the application to the Shire for the installation or erection.
Application for Monumental Works
Baby Memorial Garden
Within the Wongan Cemetery, there is a baby memorial garden where plaques can be purchased and placed on the garden stone free of charge. The customer is responsible for arranging the plaque and the purchasing of it but the placement is free.
Wongan Hills Baby Memorial Placement of Plaque Application Form
Pioneer Women's Memorial Niche Wall
17 Ninghan Road, Wongan Hills WA 6603

The Pioneer Women's Memorial Niche Wall is an interment site for the placement of ashes, as well as a memorial wall. A person does not need to be deceased to have a memorial plaque placed on the wall.
Pioneer Women's Memorial Niche Wall Placement of Ashes Application Form
Pioneer Women's Memorial Niche Wall Reservation Application Form
Pear Tree Walk Niche Wall
17 Ninghan Road, Wongan Hills WA 6603
The Pear Tree Walk Ground Niche at the Wongan Hills Cemetery was designed and constructed by the Friends of the Cemetery and officially opened on 20 September 2008.
The principal use of this area is that it is an internment site for ashes not a memorial wall.
There are 54 plots—26 on north side and 28 on south side
- Each plot space is defined by a Concrete slab 350mm x 350mm
- Concrete slab may be removed and replaced with same size slab in other medium
- All dimensions to remain the same as original slab
- Maximum Plaque size to be 300 x 300 and can be any medium.
- Plaque can be glued or screwed to slab
- Plaques must be attached to slab—not to brick wall
- No statues, or other ornamentation to be added to plots
Pear Tree Walk Niche Wall Placement of Ashes Application Form
Pear Tree Walk Niche Wall Compartment Reservation Application Form
Ballidu Cemetery
Northam-Pithara Road, Ballidu WA 6606

Prior to an interment, an application for order of burial must be made to the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu. The funeral director commonly makes the application on behalf of the holder of the Grant of Right of Burial. If a Grant of Right of Burial has not previously been purchased and a reservation made this can be done at this stage. A certificate of Grant of Right of Burial will be provided.
Instruction for Graves and Application for Order of Burial
A death certificate must be provided to the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu, along with the appropriate application forms before any interment can take place.
Ballidu Niche Wall - Cemetery
Northam-Pithara Road, Ballidu WA 6606

The Niche Wall at the Ballidu Cemetery is an interment site for the placement of ashes.
Ballidu Niche Wall Placement of Ashes Application Form
If you have any questions, please contact the Shire via the contact information provided below:
✉️ shire@wongan.wa.gov.au
📞 9671 2500