Wonga-Balli Boomer
The Wonga-Balli Boomer is a local community newspaper that is published every Wednesday unless there is a public holiday on the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday of that week. The Boomer team also take a break over the Christmas and New Year period.
You can subscribe to a copy of the E-Boomer for $1.00 a week or alternatively they can be purchased for $2.00 from the Wongan Hills CRC, Wongan Hills IGA and the Ballidu Trading Post.
eBoomer Subscription Form

Advert Information
All adverts must be paid for prior to publication, unless there is an invoicing agreement in place. Without payment, we are unable to include your avert in the Boomer. Adverts can be submitted via phone, email or in person to the Wongan Hills CRC during normal office hours - 9.00am-4.30pm.
Phone: (08) 9671 2550
Email: wbboomer@wongan.wa.gov.au
Location: Wongan Hills CRC, The Station, 1 Wongan Road, Wongan Hills WA 6603
Adverts are accepted in all standard formats including but not limited to Word, PDF and Publisher.
DEADLINE - 4.30pm Friday
Advertising Rates (inc. GST)
Black and White |
Colour |
Classified |
$3.00 |
- |
Small Ad |
$6.00 |
$10.00 |
Quarter Page |
$12.00 |
$24.00 |
Half Page |
$18.00 |
$36.00 |
Full Page |
$27.00 |
$60.00 |
Advert Size Guide
Community Information
All local community notices, sporting results, thank you notices, birthday greetings and news items of community interest are FREE!
Free community notices can be included for a maximum of 3 editions. Sport and church notices are published in black and white. If colour is required, standard advertising rates apply. The front cover is reserved for lifestyle images that are generally representative of our Shire and that do not depict specific links to community and sporting groups.
Any community items that include ticket prices or the selling of products or services will incur the standard advertising rates. Raffle results are free of charge if the original raffle was advertised in the Boomer.
Articles will be published dependent on space, content and local interest. Articles without local content are to be a maximum of 2 pages and authors will be limited to one such article per month. Authors are however strongly encouraged to incorporate information relevant to the community in all articles. Local content pertains to place, person or events in the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu, past or present.