Grants & Funding
The Grant Guru Portal
Never miss a grant opportunity again with RDA’s one-stop shop
Finding and applying for funding grants can be a time consuming, frustrating and complicated ordeal for many people. However, a unique collaboration has provided an exciting, easy-to-use solution.
Funded by Regional Development Australia (RDA) Midwest Gascoyne, RDA Wheatbelt and several Local Governments including the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu, the new Funding and Grants Hub will take the stress out of the process and empower local businesses, community groups, sporting clubs and not-for-profit organisations to easily find and successfully apply for grants - all in one place.
This one-stop shop is Australia’s most accessible and comprehensive online grants portal, listing 98 percent of available grants, and filters them relevant to the needs of the searcher. Less time spent searching for grants and more time to win them.
It also assesses the complexity and skill required to complete an application: DIY - do it yourself or when a grant writing consultant would be required. Top Tips and videos show the ‘how to’ when applying for funding.
This site is easy to use, the search engine does the work for you and by registering for selected alerts it means organisations will never miss a grant opportunity again.
Wheatbelt Local Governments have been offered the opportunity to subscribe to a Council portal that gives access to funding streams that are only available to Local Governments, this valuable resource provides an added advantage in the funding arena.
This site empowers our local community with a localised portal to find and win funding… and there’s lots in there!