Did you know that rates help make your community a better place to live, work and play? Your Council rates contribute to facilities and services in the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu.
Local Government revenue is allocated to meet the needs of the community, as detailed in the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu's Strategic Community Plan. The Plan is developed through community consultation, and represents what the local community wants delivered in our area.
Councils use rates to fund the facilities and services that they deliver to their communities. Facilities include:
- roads
- parks
- recreation centres
- libraries
- cemeteries
- airports
As well as services like:
- child care assistance
- community grants and events
- citizenship ceremonies
- recycling and waste
- swimming pools
- television and radio
Many of these facilities and services are provided free to residents and ratepayers.
Why do we Pay Rates?
Your rates provide valuable revenue to maintain the current quality services and facilities the Shire operates for the community to enjoy. The rates raised provide for the net funding requirements of the Shire’s services, activities, financing costs and the current and future capital requirements of renewing and upgrading the Shire’s assets, after taking into account all other forms of revenue
It is not only funds from rates which supports the Shire's projects and activities. Council aims to keep rates as reasonable as possible by raising approximately 70% of its income from investments, fees and charges and through Federal and State Government grants.
How does Council calculate rates?
The Shire adopts a balanced budget methodology during the budget setting process. The Shire determines the budget deficiency before the imposition of rates and this then provides the amount required to be raised from rates to fund the new financial years operating, investing and financing activities. This amount is used to calculate the rates in the dollar required to be applied against the total rateable property valuations.
Minimum Rates
Minimum rates are determined by Council on the basis that all ratepayers must make a reasonable contribution to the cost of local government services, facilities and investment for the future. In accordance with s6.35 of the Local Government Act 1995, the Council has set a general minimum payment for rateable land within the Wongan Hills townsite and a lesser minimum for all other rateable land in the Shire boundaries.
This is levied on mining tenements owned by the Crown and leased for mining purposes within the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu boundary. The purpose of this rate is to ensure that lessees contribute to the operating costs of the Shire facilities and infrastructure.
Emergency Services Levy (ESL)
The Emergency Services Levy (ESL) is an annual charge paid by all property owners in Western Australia.
Every dollar raised through the ESL pays for the delivery of critical and life-saving fire and emergency services across the State. In the event of a structure fire, bushfire, flood, storm, cyclone, hazardous spill, road crash or any other emergency on land or sea, DFES are there to support us.
The Shire collects the ESL on behalf of DFES through rates payments.
2023-2024 ESL Flyer