Community Park Redevelopment

As part of the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu's Community Strategic Plan and long-term planning for our community, it was identified in 2021 through community consultation, the need to redevelop the community park. We have engaged the services of Emerge Associates to assist in the design and consultation of the redevelopment of the Community Park. The need to update and renovate the park has been acknowledged by Council and we are currently working together with the community and the consultant towards a plan of redevelopment.
We are looking for community input and feedback on what the community want their park to look like. The community's input is imperative to a successful redevelopment and we look forward to working with community to bring the vision to life.
Redevelopment Stages
Stage 1 of the Community Park Redevelopment project is to engage a consultant to work with the Shire and the community to create a concept design of the park.
Emerge Associates have been engaged to act as the consultant.
Community Consultation Part 1 - A working group and users of the park who are passionate about the redevelopment have met with Shire staff and the consultants to discuss ideas and what the concept design could look like. This process saw priorities highlighted and "must haves" for the redevelopment identified.
Following the completion of stage 1, Council will discuss the next stage of the plan on how to proceed.
All enquiries regarding the Community Park Redevelopment project can be directed to Manager Community Services.
Community Consultation - Part 2
Following the completion of Part 2 of the community consultation the consultants have now provided a summary concept using the input from the community engagement. We received 131 community survey responses as well as held a stakeholder meeting with valuable input provided.
Please see below image for the completed Summary Concept

Please visit the Wongan Hills CRC to view the image in a larger format.
Council is now reviewing its options for the redevelopment, including exploring possible grant funding avenues for the redevelopment. The community will be kept informed on further progress on this project as it develops.