Corporate Plans and Strategies

The council, community and administration each have unique roles and responsibilities for the development of effective and sustainable integrated plans for the local area, and reporting on the progress of those plans.

A successful integrated planning and reporting process will deliver a:

  • Strategic Community Plan – A plan that clearly links the community’s aspirations with Council’s vision and long term strategy
  • Corporate Business Plan – A plan that integrates resourcing plans and specific Council plans with the Strategic Community Plan
  • Clearly stated vision for the future viability of the local government area

Strategic Community Plan 2021-2031

Corporate Business Plan


Section 5.56(1) of the Local Government Act 1995 legislates that local governments must plan for the future. The Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996 provide further statutory requirements around the plans for the future. Section 19C requires a local government to ensure a Strategic Community Plan is maintained, that covers a minimum of 10 years and is reviewed at least once every 4 years. Section 19DA states a local government must maintain a Corporate Business Plan in respect of each financial year, with the plan spanning a minimum of 4 years and being reviewed on an annual basis.

Key Informing Plan and Strategies

Informing plans allow a local government to set its priorities within its own resourcing capability and deliver short term, medium term and long term community priorities and aspirations as outlined in the Strategic Community Plan. Three key informing plans are the Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP), Asset Management Plan (AMP) and Workforce Plan. In combining all of these informing plans, the council effectively develops a Strategic Resource Plan.

Long Term Financial Plan

The Long Term Financial Plan (LTFP) will outline economic assumptions, projections, statutory reports, revenue strategy and sustainability indicators that address minimum requirements outlined in the framework.

The LTFP is imperative to ensure the financial sustainability and viability of the Council for years to come. It includes various financial models with worst and best case scenarios outlined, to ensure Council can continue to provide a high-level of service delivery to the community, whilst investing in the future of the Shire.

Long Term Financial Plan 2015-2026

Asset Management Plan

The Asset Management Plan (AMP) will illustrate how Council’s assets will meet the service delivery needs of the community. It is informed by community priorities, as set in the Strategic Community Plan. It includes an asset management policy, whole of life costing for the Council’s asset register, strategies for critical assets and an improvement plan to build asset management capability. The AMP is integrated with the LTFP to ensure resourcing requirements can be met.

Note: Council is in the process of updating its Asset Management Plan.

Workforce Plan

The Workforce Plan will ensure there is a coordinated approach to address the human resourcing requirements to deliver the Shire’s operations. It includes, but is not limited to, workforce analysis (determining current capabilities of the workforce to achieve objectives in the Corporate Business Plan), risk analysis (identifying and assessing the risks that the workforce is facing) and forecasting of workforce requirements to achieve on future outcomes.

Note: Currently unavailable