Town Planning Services

The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu's Regulatory Department is responsible for the coordination and control of town planning within the Shire and our objective is to provide for the current and future needs of the community in a sustainable manner. This is achieved through the application of strategic planning and development control functions by the Council.

Strategic planning involves the analysis of issues and the development of policy and statutory documents which influence the activities of residents, the business community and government agencies now and in the future. 

The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu can assist residents in the following areas:

  • Development application and approvals
  • Deemed to comply checks
  • Copies of Plans
  • Home business, home occupation and home office applications
  • Short term accommodation applications
  • Strata titles subdivision

Local Planning Strategy

In 2023 the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu will build on the 2005 "Community of the Year" by aspiring to be a sustainable community that continues to meet the needs of current and future generations through the integration of environmental protection, social advancement and economic prosperity. Wongan-Ballidu will continue to protect its valuable agricultural resources and rural hinterland through cooperation between the Shire, its constituents and the relevant agencies set up to advise and assist with natural resource management and infrastructure delivery. There will be a wide choice of living styles that are sympathetic to the amenity of the countryside, protection of the environment and the principles of sustainability including the reduction of salinity levels.

The town of Wongan Hills will develop as a vibrant urban centre for the Shire. It will provide modern and efficient services and remain the focus for the development of recreation, administration, cultural, commercial, rural industry and residential activity in the Shire, planned in a manner that protects the integrity of the town and the amenity of its residents. The town of Ballidu will continue to provide a rural servicing role for the northern part of the Shire and modest growth in the town will be managed to ensure that this role can continue into the future. The vision provides the context for the implementation of the strategy's objectives, strategies and actions as they apply to:

  • Wongan Hills Townsite
  • Ballidu and other Town sites
  • The Agricultural Hinterland

The general objectives of the LPS are to:

  • Control and regulate the use of land in order to improve the welfare of the residents of, and visitors to, towns in the Shire;
  • Reinforce the existing pattern of land use;
  • Provide for and regulate tourist development; and
  • Establish criteria and development standards applicable to various land uses.

Local Planning Strategy

Map of Shire of Wongan-Ballidu

Map of Wongan Hills Townsite

Map of Ballidu Townsite

Local Planning Scheme No.5

It is hereby notified for public information, in accordance with Section 87(3) of the Planning and Development Act 2005 that the Minister for Planning approved the Local Planning Scheme No. 5 on the 24th day of October 2017.

Local Planning Scheme No.5