
There are over 1,200 varieties of wildflowers in our region. Gathercole Reserve and Reynoldson’s Reserve are especially iconic. Wildflower season starts around June when the first Orchids appear, then continues right through until November-December when the Verticordia (Featherflower) blooms. The best months to see our wildflowers is August & September but don’t forget to come back for the Reynoldson Reserve Wildflower Festival on the last Weekend in October when the Verticordia is at it’s peak.
The concentration of wildflowers in Wongan Hills is equal to Mount Lesueur National Park, Stirling Range National Park and Fitzgerald National Park. There are numerous species of priority flora within the Wongan-Ballidu Shire.
We have several walk trails for you to experience from easy flat wildflower walks (approx 1km) up to Mt Matilda flora walk which is 5km (short walk) or the longer scenic walk which is 8km. Christmas Rock and Gathercole Walks have an abundance of grevilleas, pink pokers, acacia, smoke bush, dampiera, tea trees, myrtles and kunzeas.
Reynoldson Reserve Festival Weekend
Each year the Wongan Hills Visitor Centre hosts the Reynoldson Reserve Festival Weekend in the last weekend in October each year. Visit their website for more information.
The festival is named after nearby Reynoldson Reserve, a place that is especially significant, due to the many flowering species that are found there. Although the festival is held in town, guided bus tours to the reserve will take place hourly on Saturday and Sunday, from 9am until 3pm. Due to their popularity, it's strongly recommended that visitors book their seats ahead of the festival.
At 'The Station' on Wongan Road there are market stalls, wildflower displays, art exhibition, bus tours to Reynoldson Reserve, Vintage Car Display, botanical talks, books, rides & activities for the kids plus lots more. for everyone to enjoy.
Visit our Where to Stay? page if your looking to camp over for the weekend or stay local. We would love to see you here!