Building Services

The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu's Building Services team is responsible for ensuring that State Government building regulations, for residential and business, are administered in accordance with the Building Code of Australia, and that relevant town planning requirements and local building laws are adhered to.

In Western Australia the building approvals process is legislated under the Building Act 2011 (the Building Act), which works with other key legislation covering the registration of building service providers (such as builders and building surveyors) and complaint resolution. Other approvals that may apply to proposed building work include planning, health and any other approvals required by the local government under other written laws.

Our team assists in protecting the community from major risks to life and property, and in ensuring the sustainability of our built environment.

Our role in building services includes:

  • Assessing the key building risks and issuing permits
  • Compliance
  • Providing advice on building matters
  • Building certification.

We can assist you with submitting an application for:

  • Building permits
  • Online application for a Building Permit
  • Certificates
  • Demolition permits
  • Dividing fences
  • Private swimming pools and spas (including portable swimming pools)
  • Retaining walls

Apply for a Building Permit

For further information regarding building please refer to the below link:

A guide to the building approvals process in WA | Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (