Local Government Elections
Local government ordinary elections are held on the third Saturday in October every two years. The next state-wide ordinary elections are scheduled for October 2025.
The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu Council currently comprises a President, Deputy President and five council members.
Councillors are elected for terms of four years in Western Australia.

Voting in a Local Government Election
All local residents and business owners/occupiers are encouraged to enrol to vote in local government elections.
All residents registered on the State/Federal electoral roll for properties within the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu will be automatically registered for Local Government Elections.
To check and/or update your enrolment details please visit the Western Australian Electoral Commission's website below.
WA Electoral Commission - Check or Update Your Enrolment
If you own or occupy property in the Shire but don’t live here, then you may still be eligible to vote. You may enrol up to two Owners/Nominees per property by filling in the Enrolment Eligibility Claim Form below. Each person is only entitled to one vote in which the property is located. Forms must be lodged before the CLOSE OF ROLL on Wednesday, 11th September 2024 to be eligible to vote in this Local Government Extraordinary Election.
Enrolment Eligibility Claim Form
All, or a majority of, owners or occupiers may make a claim for eligibility using this form at any time. However, if you want to be represented on the roll for a particular election you must give this claim form to the local government more than 50 days before the election date (close of rolls). Please note that if you are applying to vote as an occupier of a property, you may be asked to include a copy of your lease agreement showing that you have the right to occupy the property for at least the next three months.
Nominating as a Candidate in a Local Government Election
If you want to make a difference in your community and have a say in local decision-making, stand for election as a local government councillor. The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu would like to encourage Aboriginal people, youth over 18 years and people from all ethnic cultures to consider nominating for Council. Nominations open 10/09/2024 & close 4pm 17/09/2024.
Information about standing for council can be obtained from the Western Australian Electoral Commission website:
Local Government Candidates | Western Australian Electoral Commission (elections.wa.gov.au)
Local Government Reform - Induction for Prospective Candidates
It is compulsory to complete Local Government Candidate Induction. This induction must be completed before you nominate and should take approximately thirty minutes to complete.
Induction for prospective candidates | DLGSC
At the end of the course, you must complete the online registration to receive an email from the department which is an official record of your completion of the induction.
Councillors are elected by residents and ratepayers and have an exciting and challenging role. They must be in touch with their community and balance community needs within a framework of financial accountability. Standing for election provides a great opportunity to influence the future direction of the local community and help those who require support. It can be daunting and time consuming, but ultimately it can be highly rewarding.