Emergency Management

Local Governments in Western Australia play a significant role in emergency management. Both Commonwealth and State Government policy identify Local Government as a key player in community disaster resilience, preparedness and response. Local Government also have statutory obligations for recovery following an emergency affecting their community.
Local Governments are the closest level of government to their communities and have access to specialised knowledge about the environment and demographic features of their communities.
It is a legislative requirement unique to Western Australia’s Bush Fires Act 1954 that Local Governments manage volunteer Bush Fire Brigades. One hundred and eleven Western Australian Local Governments, of varying size and capacity, manage 563 Bush Fire Brigades, totalling more than 20,000 volunteers.
Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC)
Under section 38 of the Emergency Management Act 2005, a local government is required to establish one or more Local Emergency Management Committees (LEMCs) for the local government’s district. However, local governments may unite for the purposes of emergency management and establish one or more LEMC for their combined districts. The LEMC is to be managed and chaired by the local government, with representation from organisations and agencies that play a key role in emergency management within their district.
The functions of a LEMC, in relation to its district or the area for which it is established, are:
- to advise and assist the local government in ensuring that Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMAs) are established for its district;
- to liaise with public authorities and other persons in the development, review and testing of the LEMA; and
- to carry out other emergency management activities as directed by the SEMC or prescribed by the regulations.
Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMA)
LEMAs are developed to provide a community focused, coordinated approach to the management of all potential emergencies within a local government area.
Please click here to view a copy of our LEMA
Local Emergency Contacts
Please call the Shires emergency line on 9671 2570 for Shire related emergencies after hours e.g. urgent tree removal, footpath hazards and swimming pool emergencies.
For all other emergencies contact 000 or for SES 132 500.