Function Room Hire

At 'The Station' on Wongan Road the Wongan Hills CRC have a function room and kitchen available for hire. From meetings, conferences, parties and community gatherings, our function room is available to hire at just a small cost.

Function Room Hire Booking Form

 Permission to Consume Alcohol

For those planning to serve or consume alcohol at your function, you must receive permission to do so in advance. Please ensure you submit the necessary application to comply with local regulations.

Application for Permission to Consume Alcohol on Council Premises

If you are using Council's Premises and you want to sell liquor you are required to contact the Department of Racing, Gaming & Liquor to obtain a Liquor Permit.

Department of Racing, Gaming and Liquor:

Phone 08 9425 1888
Freecall 1800 634 541
Post PO Box 6119, EAST PERTH WA 6892

Fees and Charges (Fees and charges are subject to change at the adoption of the new budget each financial year)

Commercial Hourly $74.00
Commercial Half Day (Up to 4 Hours) (Flat Fee) $190.00
Commercial Full Day (4+ Hours) (Flat Fee) $380.00
Community Hourly (Door Fee) $37.00
Community Half Day (Up to 4 Hours) (Door Fee) $95.00
Community Full Day (4+ Hours) (Flat Fee) $190.00
Community Hourly (No Door Fee) $21.00
Community Half Day (Up to 4 Hours) (No Door Fee) $47.00
Community Full Day (4+ Hours) (No Door Fee) $95.00
Service Hourly  $47.00
Service Half Day (Up to 4 Hours) (Flat Fee) $116.00
Service Full Day (4+ Hours) (Flat Fee) $210.00
Kitchen Half Day $53.00
Kitchen Full Day  $95.00
Tablecloth Hire (per tablecloth) $12.50
Crockery/Cutlery Hire (Flat Fee) Items to be returned clean or charges will apply $32.00
Crockery/Cutlery Hire Bond $50.00

To enquire or make a booking for use of the function room or kitchen please call 9671 2550 or email


Check availability for hiring.

Booking Calendar