Watering Days

The Water Corporation have set restrictions on watering your garden and only allows residents to water twice a week. When we stick to our watering days, together we can save around 4.5 billion litres of water a year in WA! You can apply for an exemption under certain circumstances.
Visit the Waters Corporations website to find out what days your property is scheduled to water your garden, apply for exemptions and report a sprinkler breach.
Water Corporations Watering Days
Switch your Sprinklers off in Winter
Why switching off matters!
If we all work together and switch off our sprinklers, we’ll save around 5 billion litres of water this winter.
For over a decade now, over 90% of Western Australians have shown their support by switching off before 1 June and letting mother nature take care of their gardens, saving water for our drier months.
Winter brings cooler temperatures and lower evaporation rates, meaning the plants in our gardens don’t need as much water. Most lawns also go dormant over winter, so you can leave your sprinklers off and let the rain take care of your lawn and garden instead.
Even throughout the year, your garden isn’t as thirsty as you think. The water needs of your lawn and garden change with the seasons. Adjust your sprinkler run times with the ‘Seasonal Adjustment’ setting on your irrigation controller.