Environmental Health Services
Environmental Health covers an extremely wide field. The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu's Environmental Health section is responsible for the assessment and management of risks to public health, safety and well-being. The aim is to create, maintain and promote good public health within the community.
To discuss an Environmental Health issue please contact the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu on (08) 9671 2500 or alternatively, please email shire@wongan.wa.gov.au
The basis of the service provided by the Shire regarding environmental health includes:
- improvements in sanitation
- drinking water quality
- food safety
- disease control
- housing conditions
- pest control
- mosquito management
The range of health and wellbeing services delivered by the Shire help to establish many of the necessary conditions upon which good health and wellbeing is dependant. Whether it is waste collection, road maintenance, local government health; the functions performed by the Shire either directly or indirectly have a significant bearing on the health and wellbeing of the community.