Customer Service Centralisation

The Shire of Wongan-Ballidu recently reviewed its Customer Service Charter and as a result we’re looking at changing the way we do a few things! As a Local Government, our core function is customer service and with this at the top of our priority list, we want to ensure we are providing the best possible experience. We provide a wide range of services and functions to our local community and we want to make sure we are doing the best we can.
So, What’s Changing?
As of Monday 6th January 2025, all Shire customer service functions will be centralised and provided from the Wongan Hills Community Resource Centre (CRC). Our valuable Customer Service Team will be based at the CRC in an effort to streamline our processes and procedures, providing optimum customer service to you. The CRC will become a one-stop-shop for all Shire customer services functions such as rates payments, dog registrations, works requests and more, whilst also still retaining the current services the CRC offers.
The retitled Manager of Community & Customer Services at the CRC will be responsible for the customer service department and the 3 full time Customer Service Officers, who will be there to assist you. As of the 6th of January, the CRC will open at 9am as usual, however, the Shire Administration Office will be permanently closed to the general public. Appointments will continue on request and can be made at the CRC.
Why are we Doing it?
Ultimately, we want to provide the best possible customer service! Through our reviews, we have identified there is room for improvement across the customer services we provide. We want to train our front facing team to ensure they can answer the majority of your queries without customers needing to be referred to another department or Manager where possible. This will mean quicker responses, more efficient timeframes, better experiences, as well as relieving internal pressures on our resources.
Due to the nature and size of a small Local Government like us, as well as managing two customer service sites, on occasion we have unforeseen staffing shortages which causes unplanned office closures. We want to prevent this, to ensure our customers can come and see us at all times during business hours.
How are we Going to Ensure it is Successful?
- We are implementing a training schedule for our front facing Customer Service Team to ensure they are across all the customer service functions.
- We will be communicating the new processes and plans over the next 3 months to you, until the launch, to ensure our community is well informed via social media, our website, the Boomer and a mailbox letter drop.
- We will be releasing a Customer Perception Survey in November which will enable us to gain feedback on the current perception. This will allow us to better identify what we are doing well and where we can improve. Going forward, this survey will be released annually to ensure we are continually searching for ways to do better.
- We will be reviewing the physical set up space of our customer service environment to ensure it is correctly designed to provide the optimum customer service experience.
- We will be creating a Customer Service Feedback Platform to drive continuous improvement and review.
Have a question about this change?
📞 9671 2500
Or pop in to see us at the Wongan Hills CRC at "The Station" at 1 Wongan Road.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What will the opening hours be?
A. The Wongan Hills CRC will be open from 9.00am-4.30pm - Monday to Friday. The Shire Administration Office will be open for appointment only during 9.00am-4.30pm - Monday to Friday.
Q. Where can I go to receive face to face customer service for Shire or CRC matters when the restructure happens?
A. As of Monday 6th January 2025 all face to face customer service will be provided from the Wongan Hills CRC.
Q. Where can I register my cat/dog or get a replacement tag?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC to register your cat or dog or get a replacement tag.
Q. Where can I obtain a Swimming Pool Pass?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC to obtain a swimming pool pass.
Q. Have a works request such as street clean up, trimming of overhanging tree branches on a Shire tree?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC to submit a works request or send an email to We also take some requests over the phone at 9671 2500.
Q. Where can I pay my Rates?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC or call us on 9671 2500 to make a rates payment.
Q. Where can I do a Department of Transport licensing transaction?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC for all licensing transactions and enquiries.
Q. I have a general Shire enquiry, where can I find the answer?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC, call us on 9671 2500 or email us at
The information may also be available on our website:
Q. I need a standpipe card, where can I obtain this?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC to obtain a standpipe card.
Q. I am a BFB Volunteer and require PPE equipment.
A. Please submit a request through or 9671 2500 and a technical officer will be in touch to arrange the necessary paperwork and PPE equipment.
Q. I need a vehicle identification sticker for my vehicle for access during a fire, where do I go to get this?
A. Forms and stickers can be obtained from the Wongan Hills CRC.
Q. I have lost my rates notice and need a reprint.
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC, call us on 9671 2500 or email us at and we can arrange a new notice for you.
Q. I would like to know my updated rates balances.
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC, call us on 9671 2500 or email us at
Q. Will the CRC stop any services they currently offer?
A. No, the CRC will continue to offer all the services previously offered.
Q. Where do I collect keys for bookings such as the Civic Centre and Allied Health Rooms?
A. You will need to visit the Wongan Hills CRC to collect any keys for bookings made.
Q. Where can I book the Shire Community Bus?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC or email us at to make a booking using the booking form.
Q. Where can I pick up my tip pass?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC to pick up your tip pass.
Q. Where can I make an enquiry regarding a food permit?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC, call us on 9671 2500 or email us at
Q. Where can I submit a building maintenance request?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC, call us on 9671 2500 or email us at to submit a request.
Q. Where can I make a cemetery enquiry or application?
A. You can attend the Wongan Hills CRC, call us on 9671 2500 or email us at
Q. When I have an appointment at the Shire, what will be the process?
A. You can attend the Shire Administration Office and a staff member will greet you at the front office for your meeting with the CEO, relevant Manager or Technical Officer.