Cadoux Tennis Courts - Official Opening

Published on Wednesday, 27 October 2021 at 4:09:02 PM

Shire President Cr Mandy Stephenson joined the Cadoux community to celebrate the official opening of the courts on Saturday 23 October. With many locals and members past and present in attendance, the event was well supported. Over 17 players enjoyed a game on the immaculate new courts followed by a great social event with delicious Legos Pizza to end a perfect day.

Cr Stephenson thanked the Cadoux Tennis Club and the Cadoux Sports Council for their ongoing commitment and support of their community. Congratulating everyone for this great achievement, Cr Stephenson said “Sport is a great way for our communities to stay connected, whether as player or spectator, there is a great sense of fun and belonging in getting involved. We hope the Shire’s financial support of the project means that Cadoux will continue to enjoy these great facilities for years to come.

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