Council Meetings

In accordance with the Local Government Act 1995, the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu Council meets regularly to make decisions concerning the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu. The decision-making meetings are Ordinary and Special Council Meetings where Councillors debate and vote on the matters contained within the agenda for that meeting. The decisions made at these meetings are implemented by the Shire's Administration.

Council meetings are chaired by the President and are guided by the Standing Orders Local Law 2009, which details the requirements for meeting facilitation, order of business and adherence to statutory requirements.

Shire of Wongan-Ballidu Ordinary Council Meetings are open to the public and commence at 3.00pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month, except for January where there is no Ordinary Council Meeting held. The meetings are held in the Council Chamber, Corner of Quinlan St & Elphin Crescent, Wongan Hills, Western Australia 6603.

The public is able to attend and ask questions during Public Question Time. When confidential information needs to be considered, parts of the meeting may be closed to the public.

2024 Meetings

Wednesday 7 February 6.00pm Annual Electors Meeting Wongan Hills CRC, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 28 February 3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Monday 18 March 4.00pm Special Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 27 March 3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 24 April 3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 22 May 3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 26 June  3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 10 July  3.00pm Special Council Meeting - CANCELLED - As per Council Resolution 060424. Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 24 July  3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 21 August  3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 25 September 3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Ballidu
Wednesday 23 October  3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 27 November  3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills
Wednesday 18 December  3.00pm Ordinary Council Meeting Council Chamber, Wongan Hills

Past Meetings

To view agendas and minutes from previous meetings please click here.