As our early harvest season is nearly to an end, I give thanks to our communities for your hard work and services you provide to our Shire as always.
Myself and Councillors reflect on the past year, with many projects completed and services delivered to our communities. I look forward to the year ahead working with fellow Council Members to continue to deliver many great outcomes, that will benefit our communities and help us remain a vibrant and a great place to live. This year we produced a welcoming and informative Shire of Wongan-Ballidu promotional video, detailing our tourist attractions and services within our Shire. I encourage you all to take a few minutes and watch the video and feel an overwhelming sense of how beautiful and lucky we are to live in such a place. Please see the link below.
I am grateful and give thanks to all our fabulous volunteers, all our community organisations, our amazing emergency service groups, our local businesses and all of our community members, all of which play and integral part in keeping our community thriving.
To the Shire management and staff, thank you for all your hard work and support and encouragement during this past year, it is you that makes our community services possible. Thank you to our CEO, Stuart Taylor who leads our efficient workforce, and we look forward to working to overcome the many challenges and opportunities we have to deliver.
To all our beautiful community, your amazing generosity of spirit and your commitment to the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu, I thank you all sincerely. Your contributions to our community do not go unnoticed, and we appreciate your hard work, loyalty and dedication to our wonderful Shire. We give thanks and best wishes to our two lovely local ladies Mrs Marvis Mincherton and Mrs Kathleen Metcalf on celebrating their 100th Birthday's this year, and we were blessed to celebrate with them.
On behalf of fellow Councillors, Management and Staff of the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu, may I wish you all a very Merry Christmas, and happy and safe New Year, and we look forward to seeing you all in the New Year.
Yours Sincerely
Cr Mandy Stephenson
Shire President