Published on Friday, 21 June 2024 at 11:14:19 AM

Pictured: Stuart Taylor
After almost 17 years, the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu’s longest serving Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Taylor, announced his retirement to relax and enjoy the finer things in life with his lovely wife Clare.
Stuart has guided the Shire with dedication, direction, leadership, experience, knowledge, governance and enthusiasm. We acknowledge all that he has dedicated to our community and give our sincere appreciation.
During Stuart’s time at the Shire of Wongan-Ballidu since 2007, he worked alongside 6 Shire Presidents, 29 Councillors and many more staff to deliver to our communities a beneficial and bright future.
Stuart’s achievements, projects and forward thinking have provided many lasting benefits for our shire;
- been involved in the development of residential and industrial land sub-divisions to ensure our Shires longevity for industry and housing opportunities.
- Collaborated with WA Country Health for land that the Shire built the current Medical Centre on and encourage visiting practitioners to come to town.
- Initiated a proposal for the Shire to manage the Telecentre (now CRC) to ensure essential services remained in town.
- Led a proposal to build the current multipurpose, CRC/Visitors Centre /Art Society Space, and to include services required and a community space.
- Contract managed the Wubin Road Project to undertake works for Main Roads WA, which resulted in a significant financial windfall for the Shire, which in turn boosted our Reserve Fund.
- Worked collaboratively with the Department of Water and WHDHS/Education Department to fund and improve the Mocardy Dam infrastructure in order to reinforce supply for non-potable water for ovals and gardens. This was a mammoth project with over 2km of pipeline constructed and enabled the important provision of water.
- Overseen the strategic co-location of sporting facilities, which continues to blossom each year within our strong sporting community.
- Enabled the improvement of the Shires IT infrastructure with a major overhaul of hardware and associated software, with the result enabling a streamlined service ahead of its time.
- Investigated and negotiated management orders when required for numerous land areas to benefit community projects.
- Lead managers with builds and major upgrades to barracks, sports ground, cemetery, water tower, railway centre, Ballidu sports ground entry statement, Burakin gazebo, swimming pool facility upgrades, signage & tourist trail improvements, civic centre floors & disability improvements, Cadoux Rec Centre painting, Ballidu Bowling Club upgrades, new housing units for staff, solar panel instalments shire buildings and refurbishment of offices with painting and carpets, airport upgrades - including new emergency lights, 400m seal, building upgrades and fencing of the airstrip for safer operational services needed for the RFDS and St John Ambulance.
- Continuous upgrades to many roads - including an upgrade to the Manmanning/Northam Pithara intersection, upgrades to Fenton place and parking bays with asphalt. Also, widening of the Wongan to Cadoux Road.
- Collaborated with emergency services to gain generators for emergency power, new bushfire vehicle & shed for this vehicle, meetings towards colocation and funding models to cover.
- Involvement with many local committees and offered his knowledge and assistance when called on, solving issues and offering alternatives where possible.
- Advocated for EV parking bays now located in town for community and visitor benefit
- Kept the Shire debt free until the raising of the co-location loan – not many Shire Councils can boast that!
So many ideas, forward thinking and future planning for our community!
Even after giving notice, he continued to give more and more ideas for projects for our Shire.
With his vision and experience, coupled with an endless enthusiasm and having the best interests of the shire always in mind, he will leave a legacy that we will continue to gain reward from - for all that he achieved, and more, we are forever grateful.
The current Council, Executive and partners gathered together in May for a farewell held in the Wongan Hills Hotel Dining Room with past Shire Presidents and Deputy’s to celebrate Stuart’s time with the Shire. With many wonderful achievements recounted!
Thank you Stuart and we wish you a wonderful retirement!
Cr Mandy Stephenson
Shire President

Pictured Back Left to Right: Cr Geoff Chambon, Cr Elyssa Giedraitis, Cr Stuart Boekeman, Cr Matt Sewell, Cr Dwight Coad, Cr Sue Starcevich
Front Left to Right: Cr Mandy Stephenson, Stuart Taylor.

Pictured Left to Right: Former Shire President Andrew Tunstill, Deputy President Cr Dwight Coad, Former Deputy Shire President Brad West,
Shire President Cr Mandy Stephenson, Former Shire President Peter Macnamara, Stuart Taylor, Former Shire President Duncan Holmes.

Pictured: Stuart and his farewell gift from Council.
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